Aside from developing serious lung and heart diseases as well as acquiring short-term effects from the habit, you can also experience other grave consequences when you get addicted to smoking. These health-related consequences include dental and hygiene problems.
Smoking may sound and appear cool, but this habit is really unhygienic. As you continue smoking, your teeth will eventually get yellowish or brownish stains since sticky tar deposits stay on your teeth. Also with smoking, you can develop plaque that rigidly forms on your teeth. When this happens, you will need to have the plaque remove by means of dental cleaning.
Aside from developing stains on your teeth, you are also bound to experience gum problems as a result to smoking. Dental reports show that excessive smoking can cause mouth inflammation or swelling. Cigars and tobaccos can also restrain the flow of blood in your gum tissues, thus limiting the absorption of essential nutrients to the bones as well as in the periodontal support of your teeth.
Meanwhile, smoking can also increase the risk of loosing your teeth. Medical studies related to smoking state that the average rate for tooth damage among smokers now range to 1.5 to 2.9 percent every 10 years. This means that if you begin smoking at age 18, you are likely to lose five teeth when you turn 35.
In addition, smoking can also delay the healing process of any dental procedure or surgery, and it can eventually lead to a serious mouth condition called dry socket. Apart from lung and heart diseases, you can also acquire oral cancer of the esophagus, larynx, and pharynx from too much cigarette and tobacco consumption. Also, you will most certainly have less successful dental treatments and implants if you are a heavy smoker or if you are regularly exposed to second hand smoke emissions.
And as if those were not enough, cigar and tobacco smoking can also ruin your physical appearance. Aside from making your skin look dull, smoke from your cigars can also make your hair stink and appear lank or dull. Compared to smokers, non-smokers' hair are healthier and shinier. Besides acquiring dry and smelly hair, your hair can also lose its strength and hold. Smoking can cause hair breakage as nutrients and oxygen no longer flow normally inside your body. When your hair starts to break off, this means that your hair doesn't receive the essential nutrients it requires to stay strong and healthy.
Furthermore, do not wonder if you are one heavy smoker and people are starting to distance from you; you may have acquired, more or less, a dry and stinky smell on your body and even on your clothes. You see, the smoke lingers on your clothes until you wash them. As such, regularly washing and dry-cleaning your clothes will eventually weaken the fibres, thus causing your clothes to wear out quickly. Smoking can also give a distinct, stinky smell on your body as the cigarettes' components blend into your perspiration and release through your pores.
Now is the time to make the decision to quit! Cig-Arette™ is a breakthrough program to help you quit smoking more easily. Quitting cold turkey is nearly impossible, but the nutritional support supplements in Cig-Arette™ minimize withdrawal symptoms so you can get back your life!
Other Dreary Effects of Smoking
The Ugly Effects of Smoking
In medical views, cigarette or tobacco smoking is known as one of the essential sources of premature mortality among smokers. Every year, serious diseases and illnesses caused by cigarette smoking claim more than 400,000 lives in the United States alone. Fatalities also include children and adults who are merely exposed to second-hand smoke emitted by smokers.
When you smoke, you are actually inhaling more than 4,800 harmful chemical components, 69 of which are noted to trigger cancer diseases. The dreadful smoking habit is responsible for over 90 percent of lung cancer fatalities in the US and a range of 80 to 90 percent covering other respiratory-related deaths. If you happen to quit the habit, the chance of acquiring or developing chronic lung diseases is still high.
Moreover, smoking does not only affect your respiratory system. According to medical records and studies, you can also experience stroke and other coronary heart illnesses because of smoking too many cigarettes over the years. Note that each year, more people, smokers and non-smokers alike, acquire chronic heart diseases due to cigarette smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke.
In addition, even small children are likewise affected by the grim effects brought by second-hand smoke. Kids who are exposed to the mainstream smoke that is emitted by cigar and tobacco users can also acquire asthma and other allergy conditions like coughing, sneezing, and runny nose. Children can also experience serious cold condition and ear infection when they are regularly exposed to first-hand smokers' emitted smoke.
Smoking is also related to other bodily malignancies and disorders such as slow healing of wounds and infertility cases among women. Other ailments like peptic ulcer and pneumonia are also among the recently reported diseases caused by cigarette and tobacco smoking and exposure.
If you are a chain-smoker, a pregnant woman who smokes, or if you are always surrounded with individuals who are smokers, your baby will likely develop a weak heart and lungs with curtailed lung function and narrow air passages. Smoking can also lead to infants' deaths and premature delivery.
The Ugly Truth About Smoking
Cigarette or tobacco smoking is one of the popular, addictive habits among teenagers and young adults. Since cigarettes contain a high level of nicotine in order to get users addicted, it is no surprise then that millions of people from around the world really find it hard to break the habit. Although the effects of smoking are widely known to smokers and non-smokers alike, people still get hooked from smoking, and because of this, quitting seems to be one of the hardest parts of the habit.
While smoking is known to be a norm which exhibits social acceptance, particularly in teenagers among their peers, the habit does not really give any good benefit to smokers and non-smokers. Aside from getting addicted, you can acquire serious respiratory and heart diseases as well as develop bad breath and yellow teeth from smoking. The smoke that you emit can also affect the health of individuals who are non-smokers, most especially young children.
Cigarettes "Lights" kill more than usual
Global fight against one of the most terrible human vices, which, moreover, very much affects the others, that is, with smoking, goes to a new level. Scholar who absorbed by the idea of rescuing the health of mankind, and the Ministries of Health officials came to the idea that they have taken action earlier still not enough.
Already revealed that information on the pack, should be more detailed and better reflect the real impact of nicotine on the human body, tempting aroma of cigarettes must be eradicated altogether. Now, the criticism became so-called "lights" and "extra lights" tobacco. Fighters with nicotine claim: smoking - it is always difficult and harmful thing.
In fact, humanity, which is happy to find another cause for self-destructive, literally jumps on the "lights" cigarettes. According to the latest data, approximately one third of all smokers choose light cigarettes class for the very real reason that they seem to not harm their health and smoking can be virtually unlimited in comparison with the conventional. They hurt, as even hurt, the researchers argue.
Despite the fact that "lights" cigarettes contain a lower percentage of harmful tar and nicotine, in fact, the effect of them is not much different from the traditional product. For example, compared with non-smokers adherents lights, ultra-lights and extra-lights die of lung cancer more often. Destructive effect was that the smoker who enjoys relaxed smoky, prolonged forced deeper and more frequently to obtain the necessary dose of nicotine. From here, and all the misfortunes: cancer, and other troubles, which increased the risk of physicians traditionally associated with smoking. And - most unpleasant - it's much more harder to quit with a "lights" cigarettes
Meanwhile, an effective solution to the problem of "lights" cigarettes does play an important role in maintaining the health of mankind. Especially considering that most consumers of this product deceptively harmless - females, which often choose the appropriate stamps and aesthetic considerations of prestige.
In the United States, for example, cigarette smoking through self-class resort lights about 35 million people. There are no law that would regulate the content clearly inscriptions on the pack in terms of the danger it is for this class of cigarette smokers. While the European Union has already adopted rules of their respective countries. British scientists, who even before the Americans came to the conclusion underestimated hazard light cigarettes, said: "People, of course, know that smoking is harmful to health at all, the power of advertising is such that in most cases they are ready to look at it through my fingers . All cigarettes are fatal. "